Query INSERT INTO `user_session_data_storage` SET `last_activity` = NOW(), `session_id` = ? : Statement could not be executed (23000 - 1062 - Duplicate entry 'NULL' for key 'user_sid')
Sharing by Mr. Marco Lam, Executive Creative Officer & Managing Director - Experience Design, DDB Worldwide Ltd with topic as “Sneak peek of the digital advertising agency”
Sharing by Mr. Yardley Luk, Associate Director, Muse Group Limited with topic as “Why you should work at an Agency now? And How” |
Sharing by Mr. Alex Yeung, Managing Director, FiveStones Limited with topic as “Data-driven marketing in a privacy-first world” |
Query INSERT INTO `statistics` (`user_sid`, `ip`, `event`, `object_sid`, `type`, `date`, `featured`, `priority`, `reactivate`, `price`, `plugin`) VALUES (0, ?, ?, 0, ?, NOW(), 0, 0, 0, ?, ?) : Statement could not be executed (23000 - 1062 - Duplicate entry '1883264' for key 'PRIMARY')